She is worth far more than rubies.

I’ll go ahead and promise that I will not be making weekly updates on Avera 🙂 but the first week so much has already happened and I thought you’d like to get to know her a little.

Born Friday, March 25, 2016, Avera Ray McVay has been bringing us joy for one entire week. Here’s a look at her first week in this world:

A few minor complications with birth required us to stay at the birthing center an extra day.






Some of the sweetest moments.


Getting a sponge bath before we went home. She wasn’t the biggest fan.


and the final weigh in.


On Sunday, March 27, we were able to bring our little girl to her first home.



First car ride and she was a champ!


Pippa greeted her new baby sister so sweetly! She watches her, sits beside her and simply wags her tail. She has been so patient, loving and a little curious.


Already guarding her baby sister!


We were welcomed home with notes, signs, flowers, champagne, candy and lots of love and support from our friends. We have been so blessed!


And this was just the start! More flowers, cards, meals and love have continued to come our way!

WARNING: Cuteness overload is about to begin.

3.28 sleep

The first full day at home and a lot of time spent staring at this beautiful little girl is what these new parents did. Mom + Avera spent time recovering and Dad + Pippa hit the ground running doing laundry, helping out and monitoring Avera’s breathing (per doctors orders).


Tuesday we had to go back into the doctor for our first check up. Mom and Avera both looked great, and Avera got the all clear on her breathing!

3.31 doc dad3.31 doc mom

On Wednesday, we caught this smile on camera for the first time!

3.30 smile

…and continued to capture all of these adorable facial expressions all day.


Good morning faces are the best!


Avera’s jaundice levels came back high, so the doctor asked us to come back in on Thursday. So an adorable bow, another car ride and off to the doc!

3.31 doc

With the help of a wonderful friend, nursing and the sun proved natural remedies work and the levels had significantly dropped.

3.31 doctor

Friday morning Avera again revealed that mornings are her favorite part of the day with this smile!


One week old and progression pictures begin.

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Mike and I have already begun praying that our little girl becomes a Proverbs 31 woman. She is already worth far more than rubies and absolute perfection in our eyes. We hope she grows into the characteristics presented in this chapter: strong, hard working, loving, kind, trustworthy, wise and compassionate.

She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs at the days to come.

8 thoughts on “She is worth far more than rubies.

  1. Congratulations!! She looks so precious!! AND she has an awesome birthday!! (Even though I feel old…43 years older than she is. Lol). I know that y’all will make amazing parents. Enjoy her will she is young!

  2. She so pretty and I know y’all will spoil her. So happy for you love seeing the pictures

  3. She is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations! You are about to start the greatest adventure of your life!

  4. Thanks for sharing your first week with Avera. Loved looking at the pictures. She’s got the dimples and the beauty. By the way we would love to see weekly updates. Keep ’em coming!!

  5. Thanks for sharing Avera’s first week. She is adorable complete with dimples and a winning smile. By the way we don’t mind weekly updates at all. Keep ’em coming. Love you

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