Month Four

Four months old and Avera has transformed. So much has happened. She has grown so much. It has been a big month.

Her favorite things to do: talk, sit up, play airplane, roll over, sit outside, practice crawling and of course, hang with Pip.

Talk! She is such a chatterbox. Jibbering and jabbering all the time!

She grabs everything! She reaches those tiny hands out just to reach. At lunch last week, she grabbed a bowl off the table, but mainly sticks to toys and toes.

At 2.5 months, Avera learned to roll from her belly to her back. At 3.6 months she can now roll from back to belly. She’s officially mobile!

Action shot!

She does somewhat of an army/alligator crawl to get across the mat to the toy she wants.

Sitting up. When I try to lay her down, she does this crunch and strains to sit up.. she’s almost got it!

And hanging with Sister Pippa.



This month we also introduced the jumperoo. She loves it!

Still not the best napper, but nap-time with Mommy, Daddy and Pippa are more fun.

She gives the best snuggles and in her own little baby way hugs and kisses. She grabs my face and pulls it to her lips… and most of the time tries to eat it. Sometimes it’s just for nose-nuzzies.

After a short hiatus from the bottle, we are back stronger than ever! She now takes the bottle from our hands to feed herself.

A pacifier has finally been chosen!! She now takes the paci and really only wants it to sleep. Win win!

Sleep transitions are in the works. The swaddle is gone and we are now working on sleeping in a flat bassinet rather than the incline… goal of the month!

The combination of the paci and no swaddle have taken us back to a full night of sleep! The last couple of weeks have varied from 8-11 hours straight.

First time wearing the ear protection for the jets. It was a success!

On the weekend of the 4th, we took Avera on her first trip to the beach. No surprise that she loved it!

She was prepared for American pride in matching patriotic attire with Mommy and Daddy.

She is also becoming quite the little social butterfly hanging out with all of her friends.

And no surprise that it wore her out!

Some favorite pictures from this month:

Being a little sister, following big sister and her friend around.

She now responds to her name, and interacts with the people on FaceTime.

And four month pictures of course!

It’s getting harder to keep her there.

Now for my favorite pictures to date!!!!!

(Notice she tries to lick Pippa back.. that’s how she has learned to kiss!)